Written by Gwenda on April 21st 2011
Any similarity to any other tutorial is purely coincidental
You will need:
Font of choice – I used Bone, found
African Dreams scrapkit by Sunnyside Scraps FTU found
Tube of choice. I used Jungle Girl by Elias Chatzoudis. His work can be found at
Mask of choice – I used WSL75
Dropshadow as you go.
New Canvas 700 x 700 and floodfill white
Layers – new raster layer
Selections – select all
Paste Paper 21 into Selection
Apply WSL Mask 75
Merge group
Element 11 – Resize 70%
Click in centre of frame with magic wand
Expand 8
Layers – new raster layer
Paste Paper 7 into selection.
Paste close up of tube over paper layer and delete excess.
Layers – Properties – Soft Light
Element 65 – Resize 60% twice. Sharpen.
Duplicate – mirror – flip. Move left so it is in same position in corner as the other one. Merge down and move under the paper 7 layer.
Duplicate – mirror – flip. Move left so it is in same position in corner as the other one. Merge down and move under the paper 7 layer.
Element 35 – Resize 30%. Free rotate right 7. Place on left of frame
Duplicate – mirror.
On the duplicate, erase the oval top, leaving just the dangly bits. Resize 90% and move left making sure they are underneath the first copy.
Sharpen. Merge down.
Element 25 – Resize 50% then 75%. Mirror, rotate left 20 Sharpen.
Element 30 – Resize 50% twice. Mirror. Sharpen.
Element 14 – Position over white background layer and move to the right.
Duplicate – mirror. Move this copy left and down.
Close background and mask layers and merge visible. Centre merged Layers – new raster layer Re-open mask and background.
Add any other embellishments of choice.
(I added some wording.)
Crop & resize if desired.
Add copyrights and name.