Awesome FTU Kit "My Lil Chef" from Mediterranka Design
Tube of Choice , I am using Art of Pinuptoons which you can purchase over at CDO, and you need a license to use.
Mask of Choice, I am using WSL84, which I frequently use you will notice
over at Weescotlass Creations
Font I used is Andulus which I is not available for download
Ok Lets Begin
Open New Image- 700x700
Open your Mask and Minimize
Paper1-Resize 700x700> Copy n Paste as New Layer
Layers>New Mask Layer>From Image>Choose your Mask 84> hit ok
Layers>Merge> Merge Group> Adjust and Sharpen to your liking.
In Your Scrap kit, open Frame 7> Resize 550x388>make it longways as shown and position it where your comfy.
Paper 5- Resize 500x500>Copy n Paste as New Layer> Move layer so its inside frame and adjust so that there is no paper showing around frame> sharpen
Open your Tube-Copy n Paste inside frame>duplicate layer> erase at bottom like mine.
Element 53-Resize 200x356> Top left of frame under tube
Element 71-Resize 125x188> Top right of the frame
Element 83-Resize> 125x188>Top Left of the frame
Element 5-Resize 400x325>I made it a lil taller and skinnier after resizing
Element 49-Resize200x173? Right bottom > slanted a lil
Element 25-Resize 200x264> Bottom Left
Element 21- Resize 75x166>Sharpen
Element 22-Resize 75x165>Sharpen
Element 42-Resize 400x115>Bottom slant a lil>Sharpen
Elements-45-Resize 150x112 On Cutting board
Element 40-Knife-Resize 150x36 behind tomatoes
Element 34-Resize 150x148>Behind the knife>Sharpen
Element 28- Lettuce Resize 100x 93>Sharpen>Drop Shdow
Element 18-Onions Resize 100x64>Sharpen>Drop Shadow
Element 14- Place under the knife Resize 100x85>Sharpen>Drop Shadow
I clicked on my Mask Layer and made it a lil bigger so that is covered al around the tag
Layers>Merge>Merge Visible> Adjust>Sharpen
Clcik on tag>Deform Tool> make your tag smaller to add your word art
Wordart>I Love Cooking Resize 500x175> place at the top of your tag
Add your Copywright information
Layers>Merge>Merge Visible>adjust>Sharpen
Add your Name!
I hope you enjoyed this one!