Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice, I am using one of Elias, you can find him here.
Scrap kit Summer Vacations from Jaelop Designs, found here
Mask WSL_37 from Missy
Ya ready to begin?
Good, so am I!
Open a new image 700 x 700 with white background.
Open element 74, resize by 30 percent, then by 80 percent. Paste as a new layer and drop shadow.
Click inside the frame with your magic wand, go to Selections - Modify by 5.
Open paper 3, resize by 30 percent, add a new layer above your white background.
Paste your paper into the selection.
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer, position where you like it and add a drop shadow.
Open element 21, resize by 20 percent and paste as a new layer. Position above your tube and to the right. Add a drop shadow.
Open element 18, resize by 30 percent and then by 70 percent. Paste as a new layer and add a drop shadow. Move behind your tube layer.
Open element 48, resize to your liking and paste behind your tube to the left. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow.
Open element 4, resize 30 percent and then by 70 percent. Paste as a new layer and move to your liking. Apply a drop shadow.
Open element 7, resize by 40 then 50 percent and paste as a new layer. Position to the left of your frame. Free rotate left 15 degrees. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow.
Open element 3, resize by 10 percent, free rotate 8 degrees. Paste as a new layer and move to the bottom left. Apply a drop shadow.
Open element 11, resize by 15 percent. Paste as a new layer and move to the bottom right of your tube. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow.
Open paper 4, resize and paste as a new layer above your white background. Apply your mask and resize if needed. Merge group and duplicate.
Open element 79, resize to your liking, tale your selection tool and select the bottom line of the word art. Paste as a new layer and change blemd mode to overlay. Drop shadow and then duplicate, merge down.
Add copyright and your name.
Crop and resize if needed.
Save as a PNG
You are finished!
I woud love to see what you created using my tutorial!