Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Yeah Spring is Coming

Supplies Needed:
Tube of choice, I am using one of Elias Chazoudis, you can find him here now
Scrap kit Yeah Spring is Coming by Bastelgalaxy here
Mask WSL_49 from Missy
My supplies (green glitter) can be found here

Don't forget to save often, don't want to accidentally lose all your hard work ... LOL

Open a new image 700 x 700 with a white background.

With your eclipes tool draw out a nice size circle, foreground color black, background null (no background). Once your happy with the size go to Objects - Align - Center of Canvas.

On your circle that you just made go to selections, select all, float, defloat.

Choose a paper, I used p09 and copy and paste as a new layer above your circle, go to invert and hit delete on your key board. Delete the black circle below this layer.

With your circle selected go to Selections - Modify - Expand by 10.

Open a paper of your choice, I used p01. Paste as a new layer below your circle layer, invert and hit delete on your keyboard.

Select the inside of your circle, go to selection - Modify - Expand by 5, copy and paste a paper of your choice, I used p08, invert and hit delete on your key board.

Apply a drop shadow to your layers.

Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Position where you like, I allowed her head to stick out over top the frame. Delete anything that sticks out past the bottom of the frame. Apply a drop shadow.

Open ribbon03, paste as a new layer, resize to your liking if needed, flip and position at the bottom of the frame. Apply a drop shadow.

Open flower09, resize by 70 percent twice. Copy and paste as a new layer, position at the right side of the frame. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, resize by 70 percent and move up above the one you just placed. See my tag for reference if needed.

Open bow 10, resize by 70 percent, paste as a new layer on top of the ribbon. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow.

Open and paste tag02 as a new layer, move to the right of your frame, place below the flower layer. Apply a drop shadow.

Open and resize heart04 to your liking, paste on the left side of your frame. Apply a drop shadow.

Open and resize butterfly01 to your liking, copy and paste as a new layer, move  to the left on top of your heart. See my tag for reference if needed. Apply a drop shadow. Duplicate, mirror and move down to the right side of the ribbon. Duplicate again, this time resize a little and move to the left side of the ribbon. See my tag for reference if needed.

Select a paper of your choice, I used p06 and paste it above your white background layer and apply the mask.

Add any other elements you would like.

Add copyright and your name.

Crop and resize if needed.

Save as a PNG.

We are finished!!

I would love to see what you have made using my tutorial!