Supplies Needed:
Paint Shop Pro 12 or something like it
Tube of your choice, I am using one from Keith Garvey, you can find at PTE.
Tag Template 157 from Missy here.
With a little Luck scrap kit from Ellanoir here.
My supplies - here - Color Dot
Lets begin!
Open tag template 157, duplicate it and close the original.
Delete the copyright and heart layers.
You may resize canvas if needed.
Select the circle layer, go to SELECTIONS, select all, float, defloat.
Open paper pp18, resize 50 percent 3 times.
Paste paper as a new layer, selections - invert, hit delete on your key board.
Select done and delete the black circle layer.
Select the small thin rectangle layer, go to SELECTIONS, select all, float, defloat.
Open paper pp5, resize 50 percent 3 times.
Paste as a new layer, selections - invert, hit delete on your key board.
Select done and delete the small thin rectangle template layer.
Select the long thin rectangle layer, go to SELECTIONS, select all, float, defloat.
Open paper pp4, resize 50 percent 2 times, then 70 percent.
Paste as a new layer, selections - invert, hit delete on your key board.
Select done and delete the long thin rectangle template layer.
Select the frame background layer, go to SELECTIONS, select all, float, defloat.
Open paper pp10, resize 50 percent 2 times, then 70 percent.
Paste as a new layer, move to where you like it, selections - invert, hit delete on your key board.
Select done and delete the frame background template layer.
Select the frame layer, go to SELECTIONS, select all, float, defloat.
Open paper pp2, resize 50 percent 2 times, then 70 percent.
Paste as a new layer, selections - invert, hit delete on your key board.
Select done and delete the frame template layer.
Duplicate the circle layer, go to EFFECTS - TOADIES - What Are You? - Default settings.
Add a drop shadow to all layers except for the frame background and the circle you added the filter to.
Paste your tube as a new layer, move to where you like it and add drop shadow.
Open e17, resize 50 percent 3 times, paste as a new layer, move to the bottom of the frame, see my tag for reference if needed.
Open e28, resize 50 percent 3 times and then 70 percent again.
Open the grass, paste as a new layer, I placed mine below the frame. You may place yours wherever you like.
Open e41, resize to your liking and paste as a new layer, add a drop shadow.
Duplicate as many times as you like and place throughout your tag.
Open e26, resize 30 percent, paste as a new layer below the frame background.
Open e8, resize 20 percent then 40 percent again, paste as a new layer and place on top of the frame to the right, apply a drop shadow.
Open paper pp2, resize and paste as a new layer, apply mask WSL84, merge group, go to EFFECTS - - COLOR DOT, apply defalt settings.
You may need to take your PICK tool and resize your mask some, you can also go to resize and do this.
Open word art and paste as a new layer, move into place. There is one for both sides and one for the top.
Add your copyrights and your name.
Crop if needed.
Save as a PNG.